domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Yahoo Developer Network – All APIs page

Today while was trying to make a custom control to convert currencies, I faced an ugly problem: The free soap web service that I was planning to use was simply down. A big problem considering the time I had to made that control.

After some goggling I found some sites that perform this kind of job. Some of them were using originally the same web service I was trying to use and because they were facing the same problem as me they decide to change it. They were using somehow the YAHOO finance quotes service to retrieve the exchange rate between two currencies, but they were making the calls directly at the server side (trying to do it using Ajax raises the Cross Site Scripting problem).

Then I was curious about to know if somehow the YAHOO finance service could had some kind of REST API that could help me to obtain this value directly. But I was not lucky and couldn’t find that…

But I found something even better the Yahoo Developer Network - All APIs page and there I found a lot of interesting things… really a lot. But the most impressive think I found was the YQL.

The YQL stands for Yahoo! Query Language. This is a really impressive concept. It basically allows to make calls to almost any web resource (html pages, dynamic pages and any other resource) and query this result using css or xpath to retrieve the parts of the content that are relevant for us in JSON or XML formats. And it supports make Cross Site Scripting calls too!

The potential that I found in this tool is really amazing you can retrieve almost any relevant information from many sites and use it in the way you want.

YAHOO has some good resources. Really good resources!

sábado, 20 de junio de 2009

Testing Windows 7

I just finished the installation of all the programs that I usually use every day on my computer with the RC1 of the Windows 7. And I must admit it was relatively easy to get it working fine. I had some troubles but they were quickly solved.

Some of the aspects about this new Windows version are really nice.

  1. The installation itself was easy. I remember I tried to install Vista RC1 a long time ago, It was just terrible, a lot of components of my computer just won’t work ever on that because the drivers for them simply didn’t exist. This time instead almost of my hardware components were ready to use, just after the installation. The Wireless USB receiver, the USB web cam and my two audio cards were the exception, but I didn’t have any trouble trying to install the vista version of the driver that came with the USB receiver, or with the driver version of Vista for my two audio Cards (Soundblaster Audigy 2 Platinum, and the default integrated audio that came with my Intel DP35DP Motherboard). I found the Driver version for the Intel Integrated Audio on the Intel website, and even when they claim that the driver was beta also it is doing really good right now.
  2. The Aspect of the Desktop. I don’t know if Microsoft copy the new desktop style from others Operative Systems, I will only say that it looks good, I seems a lot like Vista, but with less invasive warning windows (yes they’re still there). Well I must admit I have not used Vista too much, I really didn’t use Vista on a regular basis like to make a fair comparison. But comparing Windows 7 with the well loved Windows XP you really see some good changes in the UI. I’m tempted to believe that this instance of Windows 7 is running faster than my old good XP.

I will post more comments about Windows 7 later… for today it is time to stop!








viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

Export to CSV in Unicode format so Excel can read Japanese characters in the right way

To make this history short, here is the problem I had. The Client wants to export the data from a report (basically a table) in csv format. This data could contain Unicode characters (basically Japanese characters). This file was intended to be used to move the data to other programs like excel or others.

Well to solve that requirement i made this method, that basically receive the data ready to be put in the csv format and save it to the response.

protected void ExportToCSV(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CSVData.Value)) return;

    var strFileNameexport = FileNameHidden.Value.Replace(" ", "_");
    Response.Buffer = true;
    Response.ContentType = "text/comma-separated-values";

    Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    Response.Charset = Encoding.UTF8.HeaderName;
    var data = CSVData.Value;    

    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment;Filename={0}.csv", strFileNameexport));


As you can see as far to this point everything seemed to be working fine. But suddenly when we try to open a exported file that contains Japanese characters, Excel was not able to display those characters. It replace those characters with garbage

So to Solve the Problem we...

  • found that excel expects the csv file to be in "utf-16le" (UCS-2 Little Endian) (weird, really weird).
  • when you put the data in this format, the "," character is not longer a valid column separator (even more weird, weird!!!!) so you need to use other character like "\t" (I know, I know... if you use \t as a separator the mime type should tab separated value files, but Excel seems to don't complain about it.
  • It is also recomendable that you enclose the data for each cell using quotes, this way the values inside won't be interpreted wrong if a separator character is present there.
  • then realize that we were receiving the data in utf-8 format so we first need to convert the bytes from utf-8 to utf-16
  • And the most important note: YOU NEED TO PUT THE MARKER BYTES SO THE PROGRAMS COULD RECOGNIZE THE ORDER OF THE BYTES IN THE FILE TO KNOW IF THEY ARE IN LITTLE ENDIAN OR IN BIG ENDIAN you can found a lot of information about it in the internet. but no one really tells you that this is necessary to make the file recognizeable by Excel as a csv file.
private static byte[] GetUCSStringFromData(string value)
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) return new byte[] { };

    value = value.Replace("\",\"", "\"\t\"");

    var utf8Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    var utfBytes = utf8Encoding.GetBytes(value);

    var ucs2Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-16le");
    var ucs2Bytes = Encoding.Convert(utf8Encoding, ucs2Encoding, utfBytes);

    var bytesFinal = new List {0xff, 0xfe};
    foreach (var b in ucs2Bytes)

    return bytesFinal.ToArray(); // ucs2Encoding.GetString(ucs2Bytes);


protected void ExportToCSVForExcel(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CSVData.Value)) return;

    var strFileNameexport = FileNameHidden.Value.Replace(" ", "_");
    Response.Buffer = true;
    Response.ContentType = "text/comma-separated-values";

    //Those lines makes it possible to work with UCS2
    Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-16le");
    Response.Charset = Response.ContentEncoding.HeaderName;

    var data = GetUCSStringFromData(CSVData.Value);

    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment;Filename={0}.csv", strFileNameexport));

So never forget it!